El color verde oscuro de la mostaza la convierte en una verdura muy nutritiva que se puede cultivar durante el año entero en muchas partes del mundo. Es probablemente de origen asiático, pero se ha introducido en las tierras bajas tropicales, así como en las zonas templadas donde se ha naturalizado.

Florida Broadleaf

An open pollinated vigorous mustard that is well adapted to various conditions. It produces large broad leaves which are eaten cooked.

Suehlihung No. 2

This variety has lobed green leaves, can withstand both cold and heat, is slow to bolt, and can be harvested as early as 20 days after transplanting. Leaves and petioles used for pickling and stir-frying.  


Extremely spicy/hot variety from NE India with rounded, spiny leaves.  Performs better than other varieties if planted during rainy season.

Mix Variety

Several Mustard Greens varieties originally from Northern Thailand. 


Mildly spicy variety originating in Japan.

Dragon's Tongue

Green Wave

Caliente 199


Light green leaves with a white stem.