El nabo es una crucífera (familia del repollo/col) que se cultiva para obtener la raíz pivotante carnosa comestible. Las hojas también son una buena hortaliza de hoja verde nutritiva. También existen variedades que se han desarrollado como cultivo forrajero.

Aberdeen Greentop Scotch

Purple Top White Globe

An open-pollinated, medium-sized crisp turnip eaten fresh or cooked. Best harvested when the turnip root is small. The bottom of the turnip root is white and the top half is purple. The green tops above ground can be eaten as leafy greens.

Seven Top

An open-pollinated variety that is grown almost exclusively for the leafy greens. The leaves are harvested when medium dark green. The roots are tough, woody, and almost inedible.

Tyfon Stubble

A hybrid cross between Chinese Cabbage and Stubble Turnips that is fast growing, very leafy, and is mainly grown for forage.