El género Leucaena incluye varias especies de árboles multipropósito e híbridos interespecíficos que pueden soportar casi cualquier tipo o frecuencia de poda general o de rebrote. Son nativos de México y América Central, y ahora abundan en Filipinas, África Occidental, Nepal, Australia y Hawai. Se sabe que los veleros españoles introdujeron Leucaena en Asia hace cuatro siglos. Un total de trece especies de Leucaena, en su mayoría especies arbustivas, se distribuyen en las zonas tropicales y subtropicales del Nuevo Mundo.


An accession of L. diversifolia from Veracruz, Mexico that was widely distributed by the University of Hawaii. This species grows best at higher elevations, 300m or above. This variety is very susceptible to psyllid damage.


Proven to be the most psyllid resistant variety of L. diversifolia. This species grows best at higher elevations, 300m or above.

K-6 Peruvian

A variety of L. leucocephala from Peru that exhibits excessive branching and therefore more foliage. This variety will grow very tall unless pruned or coppiced and is usually used for forage.


A Hawaiian giant type of L. leucocephala bred in El Salvador for seed production, timber, and fuelwood.


A Hawaiian giant variety of L. leucocephala that is used mainly for timber and can grow to 20m height in five years.

KX2 Hawaii

A hybrid of L.pallida and L. leucocephala developed at the University of Hawaii. It has excellent psyllid resistance, cold tolerance, and is suited for elevations between sea level and 1000 m. This, and other hybrids with L. leucocephala, were crossed to provide resistance to a psyllid that seriously affect L. leucophala. KX2 is used mainly as a forage but also provides fuelwood and shade.


Reddish brown pods (when mature),from the UHDP Center in Northern Thailand. Red leucaena has been promoted by the Mindanao Baptist Rural Life Center for its tolerance of acidic soil and as a psyllid resistant alternative to L. leucocephala.

K-500 Cunningham

An excellent forage variety developed in Australia. A cross-breed between Salvador and Peru-type cultivars.

