Phaseolus acutifolius es una herbácea anual trepadora o arbustiva que alcanza una longitud de 4 m. Las hojas son trifoliadas, alternas y generalmente pubescentes. Las flores nacen en grupos de 2 a 5, en forma de mariposa y pueden variar en color de blanco a lila. Las vainas miden de 5 a 9 cm de largo y contienen de 2 a 9 semillas cada una. Las semillas son redondas a oblongas y varían en color, incluyendo: blanco, marrón, negro, amarillo púrpura o moteado. De raíces profundas, se adapta bien a los climas secos.


This black seeded variety is rust and blight resistant, and BGMV (Bean Golden Mosaic Virus) tolerant.


This brown yellow seeded variety will recover faster from wilt, is blight resistant, and is also BGMV (Bean Golden Mosaic Virus) tolerant.


A mixture of six different tepary bean varieties.


This tan seeded variety was bred in Puerto Rico for BGMV (Bean Golden Mosaic Virus) tolerance and high yields. Is also rust and blight resistant. 


This tan/grey seeded variety is wilt tolerant and resistant to blight and rust.

Tohono O'odham Brown

This brown seeded tepary bean was bred by the Tohono O'odham Nation in the Sonoran Desert of Arizona, USA and Northern Mexico.


This white seeded variety is noted as ECHO's most drought-tolerant variety.


This light brown seeded variety is named after the Yaqui or Yoeme people who live in the river valley of the Rio Yaqui in Northern Mexico.