English (en) | Change Language
By: Franklin W. Martin and Michael P. Fennema
Published: 1996-10-19

All are propagated by seed, the scarlet runner may also be propagated by roots.

  NAME   |   NAME    |PERENNIAL|   HABIT  |        & USES       | NUTRIENTS
Bambara  |Voandzeia  |Annual   |Compact,  |Seeds Ground or      |Protein 
groundnut|subterranea|         |Bushy Herb|  Boiled, Pods Boiled|
Bean,    |Phaseolus  |Annual   |Bushy Herb|Boiled Seeds, Mashing|Protein, 
 common  | vulgaris  |         |  or Vine |  and Refrying, Pods |  Starch 
Chickpea,|Cicer      |Annual   |Bushy Herb|Boiled Seeds         |Protein,
 Garbanzo| arietum   |         |  or Vine |                     |  Starch 
Cowpea   |Vigna un-  |Annual   |Bushy Herb|Boiled Seeds, Imma-  Protein,
         | guiculata |         |  or Vine |  ture Pods, Leaves  |  Vitamin B
Faba bean|Vicia faba |Annual   |Bushy     |Boiled Seed, Roasted,|Protein,
         |           |         |          |  Ground Meal        |  Starch 
Horse    |Macrotyloma|Annual   |Bush or   |Boiled Seeds         |Protein, 
 gram    | uniflorum |         | Weak Vine|                     |  Starch,Oil
Lablab   |Dolichos   |Annual   |Climbing  |Boiled Seeds, Mature |Protein, 
 bean    | lablab    |         |  Vine    |  Seeds and Pods     |  Starch
Lima bean|Phaseolus  |Annual   |Bush or   |Boiled Seed or Green |Protein,Vit-
         | vulgaris  |         |  Vine    |  Pod                |aminB,Starch
Moth bean|Vigna aco- |Annual   |Low Trail-|Seed Boiled, Ground  |Protein,
         | nitifolia |         |  ing Vine|  or Fried, Forage   |  Starch
Mung bean|Vigna      |Annual   |Small Bush|Boiled and Sprouted  |Protein,
         | radiata   |         |  or Vine |  Seed, Edible Pods  |  Starch
Popping  |Phaseolus  |Annual   |Vine      |Popped Before Eating |Protein,
 Bean    | vulgaris  |         |          |  Uncooked           |  Starch 
Pea      |Pisum      |Annual   |Weak Vine |Boiled Seed, Ground  |Protein,  
         | sativum   |         |          |  Meal               |  Starch
Peanut   |Arachis    |Annual   |Small Bush|Dry Nuts, Boiled Seed|Oil, Protein
         | hypogaea  |         |          |                     |
Pigeon   |Cajanus    |Annual   |Tall Bush |Boiled Seed, Mature  |Protein 
 pea     | cajan     | or Weak |          |  Seed               |   
         |           |Perennial|          |                     | 
Rice bean|Vigna      |Annual   |Small Vine|Boiled Seed, Edible  |Protein,
         | umbellata | or Weak |          |  Pod, Leaves        |  Starch
         |           |Perennial|          |                     |  
Scarlet  |Phaseolus  |Annual or|Vine      |Boiled Seed, Mature  |Protein, 
 runner  | cocineus  |Perennial|          |  Seed, Leaves,      |  Starch
 bean    |           |         |          |  Roots              |
Soybean  |Glycine max|Annual   |Mostly    |Boiled, Ground, Ex-  |Oil, High 
         |           |         |  Bushy   |  tracted, Processed |  Protein
Tarwi    |Lupinus    |Annual   |Bush      |Boiled Seeds         |Oil, High 
         | mutabilis |         |          |                     |  Protein
Tepary   |Phaseolus  |Annual   |Bush or   |Seeds Boiled or      |Protein, 
 bean    |acutifolius|         |Weak Vine |  Ground             |  Starch
Urd bean |Vigna mundo|Annual   |Bush      |Seeds Boiled or      |Protein, 
         |           |         |          |  Ground             |  Starch 
Velvet   |Stizolo-   |Annual   |Climbing  |Roasted Seed as      |Protein, Oil
 bean    |bium/Mucuna| or Weak | or Trail-|  coffee substitute, |
         | spp.      |Perennial| ing Vine |  or in tempeh       |

         |            |          ADAPTATION          | 
 COMMON  |  SPECIES   +-------+--------+-----+-------+      NEGATIVE   
  NAME   |    NAME    |       |  DAY-  |     |       |       FACTORS
         |            | TEMP  | LENGTH |FLOOD|DROUGHT|
Bambara  |Voandzeia   |Hot    |Mostly  | No  |  Yes  |Hard Seed
groundnut| subterranea|       | Neutral|     |       |
Bean,    |Phaseolus   |Warm   |Mostly  | No  |  No   |Limited Adaptation to 
 common  | vulgaris   |       | Neutral|     |       |  the Tropics
Chickpea,|Cicer       |Cool to|Neutral | No  |  Yes  |Temperate Climate Only  
 Garbanzo| arietum    |  Warm |        |     |       |  
Cowpea   |Vihna       |Hot    |Mostly  | No  |  Some |Diseases and Insects
         | unguiculata|       | Neutral|     |       |  
Faba bean|Vicia faba  |Cool to|Mostly  | No  |  Some |Fabism (a Disease) Is 
         |            |  Warm | Neutral|     |       |  Linked to This Bean
Horse    |Macrotyloma |Hot    |Mostly  | No  |  Some |Small Seeds
 gram    | uniflorum  |       |ShortDay|     |       |
Lablab   |Dolichos    |Warm   |Mostly  | Some|  Some |Excessive Vine Growth
 bean    | lablab     |       |ShortDay|     |       |  During Long Days
Lima bean|Phaseolus   |Hot    |Variable| No  |  Some |Foliage Contains HCN   
         | vulgaris   |       |        |     |       |  
Moth bean|Vigna       |Mostly |Neutral,| No  |  Yes  |Difficult to Harvest
         |aconitifolia|  Hot  |ShortDay|     |       |  
Mung bean|Vigna       |Cool to|Neutral,| No  |  Yes  |Rhizobium Inoculation
         | radiata    |  Warm |ShortDay|     |       |  Needed on Some Soils
Popping  |Phaseolus   |Cool to|ShortDay| No  |  Some |Adapted to Andes 
 bean    | vulgaris   |  Warm |        |     |       |  Mountains
Pea,     |Pisum       |Mostly |Mostly  | No  |  No   |Temperate Climate Only
 garden  | sativum    |  Hot  | Neutral|     |       |  
Peanut   |Arachis     |Hot    |Neutral,| No  |  Some |Diseases
         | hypogaea   |       |ShortDay|     |       |
Pigeon   |Cajanus     |Warm to|Neutral,| Some|  Yes  |Insect Susceptibility
 pea     | cajan      |  Hot  |ShortDay|     |       |  
Rice bean|Vigna       |Warm to|Mostly  | No  |  Yes  |Poor Yields 
         | umbellata  |  Hot  |ShortDay|     |       |
Scarlet  |Phaseolus   |Cool to|Mostly  | No  |  No   |Adapted to Cool or  
 runner  | cocineus   |  Warm | Neutral|     |       |  Temperate Climate
 bean    |            |       |        |     |       |  
Soybean  |Glycine ma  |Hot    |ShortDay| No  |  Some |Rhizobium Inoculation
         |            |       |        |     |       |  Needed on Some Soils 
Tarwi    |Lupinus     |Cool to|Mostly  | No  |  Some |Seed Contains Poisonous
         |  mutabilis |  Warm | Neutral|     |       | Alkaloids,Must Boil Seed
Tepary   |Phaseolus   |Warm to|Mostly  | No  |  Yes  |Adapted Only to Desert
 bean    | acutifolius|  Hot  |ShortDay|     |       |  Conditions
Urd bean |Vigna mundo |VeryHot|Neutral,| No  |  Some |Adapted Only to Dry
         |            |       |ShortDay|     |       |  Conditions 
Velvet   |Stizolobium/|Warm to|Mostly  | Yes |  Some |Seed Contains Poisonous
 bean    | Mucuna spp.| Hot   |  Short |     |       |  Aklaloids, Must Be
         |            |       |  Day   |     |       |  Boiled