English (en) | Change Language
By: Franklin W. Martin and Michael P. Fennema
Published: 1996-10-19

All plants are propagated by seed; winged beans may also be propagated by tubers.

Bean,    |Phaseolus        |Annual   |Vine or   |Pod, Dry Seeds|General Nut, 
 Common  | vulgaris        |         |  Bush    |              |  Starch
Chickpea,|Cicer arietinum  |Annual   |Bush      |Undried and   |Protein, 
 Garbanzo|                 |         |          |  dried Seeds |  Starch
Cowpea   |Vigna unguicalata|Annual   |Bush or   |Undried and   |Protein,
         |                 |         |  vine    |  dried Seeds |  Starch 
Fava bean|Vicia faba       |Annual   |Bush      |Pod, Dry and  |Protein, 
         |                 |         |          | Undried Seeds|  Starch
Jack bean|Cavanalia        |Annual   |Mostly    |Small Young   |Protein,
         | ensiformis      |         |  Bush    |  Pod         |  Starch 
Lablab   |Dolichos lablab  |Weak     |Vine; Bush|Dry & Undried |Protein, 
 bean    |                 |Perennial|/Short Day|  Seeds, Pod  |  Starch
Lima bean|Phaseolus lunatus|Annual   |Vine or   |Undried Seeds |Protein,
         |                 |         |  Bush    |              |  Starch 
Pea      |Pisum sativum    |Annual   |Weak Vine |Pod, Dry and  |Protein,
         |                 |         |          | Undried Seeds|  Starch
Peanut   |Arachis hypogaea |Annual   |Bush      |Dry and Un-   |Oil, High
         |                 |         |          |  dried Seed  |  Protein 
Pigeon   |Cajanus cajan    |Weak     |Tall Bush |Dry and Un-   |Protein,
 pea     |                 |Perennial|          |  dried Seed  |  Starch 
Soybean  |Glycine max      |Annual   |Bush      |Dry and Un-   |Oil, Starch,
         |                 |         |          |  dried Seed  | High Protein
Sword    |Canavalia        |Annual   |Vine      |Young Pod     |Protein,
 bean    | gladiata        |         |          |              |  Starch 
Winged   |Psophocarpus     |Weak     |Vine      |Young Pod,Leaf|Oil, Starch
 bean    | tetragonolobus  |Perennial|          | Root, Flower | High Protein
Yardlong |Vigna unguiculata|Annual   |Vine      |Pod           |General 
 bean    |                 |         |          |              |  Nutrients             

         |                 |          ADAPTATION          | 
 COMMON  |                 +------------------------------+      NEGATIVE   
  NAME   | SPECIES NAME    |       |  DAY-  |     |       |       FACTORS
         |                 | TEMP  | LENGTH |FLOOD|DROUGHT|
Bean,    |Phaseolus        |Warm   |Mostly  | No  |  No   |
 common  | vulgaris        |       | Neutral|     |       |
Chickpea,|Cicer arietinum  |Cool to|Mostly  | No  |  Some |
 Garbanzo|                 | Warm  | Neutral|     |       |
Cowpea   |Vigna unguicalata|Hot    |Mostly  | Some|  Some |
         |                 |       | Neutral|     |       |
Fava bean|Vicia faba       |Warm   |Mostly  | No  |  Some |Consumption Relat- 
         |                 |       | Neutral|     |       |  ed to a Disease 
Jack bean|Cavanalia        |Hot    |Neutral,| Some|  Yes  |Poisonous and 
         | ensiformis      |       | Short  |     |       |  Risky to Use  
         |                 |       | Day    |     |       |  When Older
Lablab   |Dolichos lablab  |Hot    |Short   | Some|  Some |Excessive Vining 
 bean    |                 |       | Day    |     |       |  in Summer       
Lima bean|Phaseolus lunatus|Warm to|Mostly  | No  |  Some |
         |                 | Hot   | Neutral|     |       |
Pea      |Pisum sativum    |Cool to|Neutral | No  |  No   |Strictly Temperate 
         |                 | Warm  |        |     |       |
Peanut   |Arachis hypogaea | Hot   |Mostly  | No  |  Some |Wet Seeds Become
         |                 |       | Neutral|     |       |  Poisonous 
Pigeon   |Cajanus cajan    |Hot    |Neutral,| No  |  Yes  |
 pea     |                 |       |ShortDay|     |       |
Soybean  |Glycine max      |Warm to|Short   | No  |  No   |Often Needs Rhizo- 
         |                 | Hot   | Day    |     |       |  bium Innoculant
Sword    |Canavalia        |Hot    |Neutral | No  |  No   |Pods and Beans May
 ean     | gladiata        |       |        |     |       |  Be Slightly 
         |                 |       |        |     |       |  Poisonous 
Winged   |Psophocarpus     |Hot    |Mostly  | Some|  No   | 
 bean    | tetragonolobus  |       |ShortDay|     |       |
Yardlong |Vigna unguiculata|Hot    |Mostly  | No  |  No   |
 bean    |                 |       | Neutral|     |       |