1. 01.01.1986 Dieser Bericht bemerkt allgemeine Überlegungen in Samenkorn Ernten, handhabend, und Lagerung, und es konzentriert Aufmerksamkeit auf Methoden zu verbessern Sie Keimen, denn Sämenkorner begannen in Saatbeeten. Das Papier ist beabsichtigt, für Personen besonders nützlich zu sein, interessierte sich...
  2. 01.01.2006 In this paper, the author explores threats in a case study of the farming system of the Deccan Plateau in South India. She looks in particular at women's roles in agriculture and especially the important part woment play in saving and reproducing seeds. Gatekeeper Series, 126 24 pages
  3. 19.01.1998 A series of Technical Notes on Tropical and Subropical Trees. Technical Note 4: Nursery Techniques for Tropical and Subtropical Pine Technical Note 9: Seed Extraction Technical Note 13: Tools For Harvesting Tree Fruits Technical Note 17: Seed Extraction Technical Note 18: The Use Of Small...
  4. 01.01.2003 To assist smallholders and non-government organizations in Indonesia build the technical capacity required to properly collect and manage tree seed ICRAF and Winrock International, in collaboration with Indonesia Forest Seed Project developed this manual. 54 pages, illustrations, pictures