1. 01.01.1985 Vielfache Kupieren, einfach definierte, ist das Wachsen von zwei oder mehr Ernten auf dem gleichen Feld während des gleichen Jahres. , Wenn die Ernten sind, angebaut einen danach noch ein der Begriff " sequentielles Kupieren " wird angewandt. Wenn die Sekunde oder spätere Ernten das Ergebnis von...
  2. 01.01.1983 This two volume set contains extensive information on multiple cropping in the humid tropics to achieve maximum land usage. (Vol. 1, Ch. 1-9, 344 pages, charts) (Vol. 2, Ch. 10-16, 240 pages, charts)
  3. This book should be of great value to scientists and educators around the world as they try to develop improved multiple cropping systems. Reviews of current research results are enlightening as are discussions of what research is needed in the future. In the long run, the authors of this book...
  4. Although agricultural systems in which two or more useful plants are grown simultaneously on the same area have been receiving increasing attention in recent years, the practice has long been recognized as a way in which farmers in the tropics and subtropics with limited land resources can...