Compost Heap Impact on Habari Maalum 2015-03-24

The Habari Maalum Tree Nursery, outside of Arusha, Tanzania, provides over 200,000 tree seedlings per year to the surrounding villages. Until recently, HM has relied upon forest soil collected from the Olmotonyi Forest on the lower slopes of Mt Meruto replenish their nursery.

Increasingly, there is opposition and expense to travel the 10km up into the forest to obtain this soil. While the nursery has permission to harvest this soil, the Forest Department frowns upon this activity, and it interferes with other farmers who are interplanting their farm crops under the early canopy of the plantation forest, a method called "Taungya."

East Africa   Composting  

Resources from the Wheaton College 2015 HNGR Symposium 2015-03-16

The 2015 Symposium sponsored by the John Deere Foundation explored the complex linkages between conflict and hunger and underscored the fundamental importance of reconciliation work for regaining food security in post-conflict settings.

As the Symposium Plenary Speaker, Dr. Emmanuel Katongole addressed the role of reconciliation in the multiple dimensions of post-conflict recovery, with a focus on regional examples from East Africa that directly address agricultural initiatives as integral to the process of rebuilding peaceful communities that support healthy agrarian societies.


ECHO Asia Notes Issue 23 2015-03-10

Many of the forages that farmers currently provide to their livestock are of low quality but are perceived as being readily available and low in cost. However, the opportunity costs of spending time seeking forages is often not considered; the time spent herding and tethering animals to find feed is also time away from other educational or income generating activities. I propose an alternative method: to integrate tropical forages into the smallholder farming system, in order to improve farmers’ livelihoods.


Kacheri Woman Reaps Benefits From TOGETHER Program Poultry Vaccinations 2015-03-02

Robert Okumu-Obonya, ECHO Technical Advisor for the TOGETHER Program, an initiative of ECHO, Church World Service, and MAP International, with funding support from St. Mary’s United Methodist Church Foundation, reports on progress being made through a poultry vaccination program being implemented in the Kacheri sub-county of northern Uganda.  The initiative, which facilitates the vaccination of rural chickens against Newcastle disease, is one of several TOGETHER Program efforts being implemented to improve the short- and long-term livelihoods of community members in Kerheri and neighboring sub-counties. 

Viral Newcastle disease is evidenced by gasping, contorted birds with greenish/watery droppings which results in an almost 100 percent mortality rate among poultry where the disease is not under control.  Such outbreaks are a major setback for the typical rural household for which chickens contribute a huge economic and nutritional resource.

East Africa   Newcastle Disease   Vaccination   Chickens   Together Project  

On The ECHO Global Farm: Grazing Management Systems 2015-02-23

ECHO's recent activity to integrate livestock more effectively includes revamping the farm's pastures and grazing approach. While for many years ECHO has demonstrated cut-and-carry forage feeding systems for goats, in early 2014 our interns and staff identified goals for minimizing the labor needed to feed the animals while increasing the carrying capacity of grazing animals on the farm's pastures.

Potential for Reducing Smoke and Improving Soil Fertility in Northern Thailand 2015-02-16

Every February-March, rice fields are burned throughout Thailand. These very low temperature burns produce huge amounts of smoke that causes serious public health problems, as well as greenhouse gases, smog precursors, dioxin and furans. This practice also destroys valuable organic matter contained in the straw and kills the micro-fauna in the soil.  In comparison, the field prototype that Warm Heart is developing utilizes the rice straw as a resource by pyrolyzing it. Charring the organic matter at high temperature in the absence of oxygen reduces the noxious gases released and is virtually smokeless. 

Asia   Biochar  

ECHO Notas de Desarrollo #126 Ahora Desponible 2015-02-04

Temas de Relieve

  • Sellador al vacío de bomba de bicicleta para almacenamiento de semillas
  • El selenio y la salud humana
  • Del Banco de Semillas de ECHO: Polinización del sorgo
  • Actualización De Investigaciones En ECHO Sudáfrica
  • Libros, sitios web y otros recursos
  • In Memoriam: Dr. Frank Martin
  • Próximos eventos

Capacitación Agraria aumenta en Latinoamérica 2015-01-09

En diciembre, el América Latina / Caribe Equipo Regional de Impacto de ECHO se mostró satisfecho con los resultados de cinco días de entrenamiento en América Central. A través de asociaciones con varias organizaciones en Nicaragua y Honduras, líder del equipo, Brad Ward, fue capaz de contribuir a dos sesiones de entrenamiento que cubrieron una variedad de temas importantes para la región.

Latin America and ...   Seed Saving  

Demostración de sistema de cultivo natural de cerdo 2015-01-01

Una de las más recientes adiciones a la Global Granja de ECHO es el Sistema Natural de Cultivo de cerdo situada en el área de Tierras Bajas Tropicales. Este componente está basado en el enfoque de agricultura natural desarrollado en Asia del Este y el Sudeste, que se centra en aprovechar el impacto de microbios beneficiosos para la mejora de los sistemas de producción de cultivos y animales. Ya sea derivado comercialmente (es decir, Microorganismos Eficaces - EM) o cultivos producidos localmente (microorganismos indígenas - OMI) están empleados en estos sistemas de cultivo.

East Africa   Asia   West Africa   Latin America and ...   Deep Litter   Natural Farming   Pigs   Tropical Lowlands   Indigenous Microor...   Effective Microorg...  

New Resource: Agricultural Prosperity in Dry Africa 2014-12-29

Agricultural Prosperity in Dry Africa contains a wealth of practical suggestions for dealing with the problems facing dryland farmers in Africa. He discusses crops, strategies, and technologies that lead to increased production and income for farmers with limited resources.

East Africa   West Africa