1. 19/12/1998 Ciertas semillas han demostrado responder ante el humo, aun cuando no haya fuego.
  2. 20/6/2000 Algunas maneras de mejorar la germinación. Un problema del cultivo de la palma aceitera (Elaeis guineensis) es que la semilla germina con dificultad, ¡llevándose a veces hasta dos años!
  3. 20/4/2004 Poor crop establishment is common in developing countries. However, plants can be given a head start if they are able to germinate and emerge quickly. One way to minimize the time that seeds spend absorbing water from the soil is to soak the seeds in water before sowing them.
  4. 22/3/2017 Seed conservation under tropical climates is a great challenge when usual storage technology is lacking. Seed pests and the loss of seed viability are among the main risks faced by farmers and seed banks. ScientistsLawrence et. al.recently found that vacuum sealing significantly reduces stored...