1. Approximately 40 breeds of chicken discussed in this chart including: Ameraucana Ancona Andalusian Appenzeller Araucana Aseel Australorp or Black Australorp
  2. This document includesstep-by-step instructions on how to build an incubator for hatching eggs.
  3. Poultry feed is food for farm poultry, including chickens, ducks, geese and other domestic birds. Before the twentieth century, poultry were mostly kept on general farms, and foraged for much of their feed, eating insects, grain spilled by cattle and horses, and plants around the farm. This was...
  4. To formulate feeds, farmers have to use the Pearson Square method. In this method, the digestible crude protein (DCP) is the basic nutritional requirement for any feed preparation for all animals and birds. Now, assuming that a farmer wants to make feed for their chicken using this method, they...
  5. Access Agriculture Training Video Poultry waste is rich in nitrogen and other nutrients, and is good food for beneficial microbes in the soil. Mix it with decomposed cow dung and carbon-rich materials. To speed up decomposition, sprinkle organic decomposer or Trichoderma on the waste. From rotten...
  6. 20/3/2010 Food as a universal right Livestock services to family farmers: free or fee? Unpacking a poultry myth (improved breeds) Re-assessing the fodder problem The Future of Family Farming Pastoralism: Shifts in policy-making Crops and animals in Tajikistan: Back on track
  7. El clueca está acalorado por una bombilla eléctrica regular, puesta bajo el clueca, el suelo. Dependiendo del aumento de temperatura requirieron, la potencia en vatios de la bombilla tenga que ser escogido por la experimentación. El suelo metal y tejado previenen los rapaces como las ratas de...
  8. 1/1/1990 Porque los pollos y patos pueden utilizar el grano superávit, la mesa desecha, recortes del jardín, y derivados, ellos pueden proporcionar una valiosa reserva de comida. Algunas comunidades del cultivo produzca más grano que su necesidad de las personas. Claro el exceso podría venderse, pero en...
  9. 12/1/1987 Environmentally Sound Improvement of Livestock Management Farmer participatory research Traditional resource use by cattle keepers Integration of livestock and crops in a smallholding Poultry keeping Animal first aid workers Local knowledge
  10. 19/10/1992 Donkey power to the women Interviewing cows Policies promoting pastoralists Holistic resource management Livestock fertiliser factories Nutrient cycle Poultry in the backyard Animal traction Do-it-yourself vet services