1. 1/10/2002 During one rainy season 24 families in a Mexican village and 10 vendors at a regional market were regularly interviewed about type and quantity of weed use. Also the weed vegetation was surveyed and 49 farmers were interviewed concerning their farming practices and costs. All of the 74 weed...
  2. 20/1/2003 Como misionera agrícola en Kenia, sabía que muchas personas en el árido norte comerían más hortalizas verdes si pudieran cultivarlas. Hortalizas verdes como repollo, coles rizadas y espinaca no son resistentes a la sequía y son atacadas por insectos cuando se siembran en áreas secas. Yo pedí...
  3. 20/1/2003 El extracto foliar posee unextremadamente alto contenido de proteína y tiene un intenso color verde.
  4. 20/10/2001 A booklet by Leaf for Life called “Drying Green Leaves in the Sun” has some helpful hints about drying leaves and what to do with the leaf powder.
  5. 20/1/2003 La chaya una de las cinco plantasalimenticias más importantes que ECHO distribuye. Le doy esta calificación debido a su habilidad paraprosperar tanto en regiones áridas como lluviosas, su poca necesidad de atención o de fertilización adicional,su falta de plagas de insectos o enfermedades y su...
  6. 20/10/2001 A few years ago (August, 1999), David Kennedy from Leaf for Life shared some experiences with drying leaves in Latin America.
  7. 19/10/1995 Leaf Concentrateis an extremely nutritious food used to alleviate malnutrition. The process ofmaking LC separates the protein, vitamins, and minerals from the fibrous portion of fresh green leaves. LC is very rich in vitamin A, iron, calcium, high-quality protein, and other key dietary elements....
  8. El colirrábano es un cultivo bienal de crucíferas (familia de las coles) corto (45 cm) que se siembra como hortaliza anual. Los tallos de cada planta se hinchan en la base para formar un globo almidonado comestible de 5 a 10 cm de diámetro. Las hojas comestibles anchas se enrollan alrededor del...
  9. 1/4/2009 If you work in a country that is not your own, chances are you sometimes wonder about which crops to grow and promote. A good first step is to find out what is already being grown in-country. It will quickly become obvious what the staple grains are. Less apparent, and often greatly...
  10. 20/5/2012 Cómo combatir la desnutrición y mejorar la seguridad alimentaria con verduras de hoja. Author David Kennedy is the founder and Director of this non-governmental organization. All proceeds from the sale of this book go to support Leaf for Life programs. 95 pages, illustrated