More on Controlling Leaf Cutter Ants
Small Scale Vegetable Oil Extraction
Making Bonemeal Fertilizer
Grevillea Rebusta Survives On Phosphorus-Poor Soil
Small Scale Vegetable Oil Extraction
CARAPHIN NEWS. Dr. Pamela Anderson writes that "CARAPHIN NEWS provides a medium for disseminating technical information on matters related to agricultural and environmental health, particularly information that is generated in and should be shared within the Caribbean Region.
MALL SCALE VEGETABLE OIL EXTRACTION. We have long felt the need for something to provide perspective on extracting oil from seeds using options available for household or village level situations. Questions along this line are frequently received at ECHO. From now on most will be answered by referring to this book.
More on Controlling Leaf Cutter Ants
Ideas for controlling leaf-cutter ants.
Grevillea Robusta Survives On Phosphorus-Poor Soil
Martin L. Price
Commonly called 'silk oak,' 'silver oak,' or 'grevillea,' Grivillea robusta, native to Australia, has become widely utilized in agroforestry throughout Africa and other tropical regions, despite the fact that it is not a legume.
Making Bonemeal Fertilizer
Information about making bonemeal fertilizer from animal bones.