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  1. 1/01/2009 212 pp. : ill.
  2. Pgs 31, illus [Les classiques africains No 959] Souvent, dans les villages, les volailles vivent en liberté autour ou même à l'intérieur des cases. De tels élevages ne demndent guère de travail, mais ils rapportent peu. On ne s'occupe pas assez de surveiller la santé des bêtes, ni de bien les...
  3. 1/01/1983 A great choice for the small or backyard farmer, dairy goats require a smaller investment than cows and produce milk that makes delicious yogurt and cheese. This fourth edition includes more on pygmy goats, health care, breeding, and making dairy products. You’ll have everything you need to you...
  4. This basic booklet can be seen as a first-aid kit for those who live in isolated places and cannot easily diagnose a disease or have an analysis made of feed quality.
  5. 1/12/1996 Goats play a vital role in the rural economy of many poor countries, and numerous projects have been established to encourage their development. But the extension workers employed on such projects are often untrained in goat production, and the only available textbooks are mostly very academic or...
  6. Wageningen Bioveterinary Research (WBVR) supports the government and industry. We do this by providing early warning systems, expert consultancy and diagnostic services for rapid control and eradication of animal diseases. This way, we make an essential contribution to animal and public health...
  7. 1/01/1999 This Agrodok covers a number of subjects which arise if you yourself, or people you work with, are considering keeping ducks. The aim is to give practical advice on small-scale duck keeping for those who work directly with small-scale farmers. A theoretical background is given in order that users...
  8. 1/01/1983 While living in Indonesia many years ago, my wife and I wanted to become involved in some kind of animal husbandry, but our back-yard was too small to house large animals like goats or sheep, let alone cows. For this reason, we chose to raise rabbits. One of the results of that choice was the...
  9. 1/01/1991 Goats play an important role in food production systems in developing countries. Their great popularity can be explained by their good adaptation to many different climates (ecological adaptation) and the many uses for which they can be kept. Goats are especially important in developing...
  10. Key Resource 1/01/1991 Pigs details the characteristics and requirements of this livestock group, and how to raise and produce pigs in a variety of tropical zones and farming systems. Breeds, breeding, health,nutrition, housing,slaughtering and processing are all included. 150 pages, illustrated, photos CGSpace