1. 2017-11-15
  2. 2018-01-18
  3. TheInternational Journal of Agricultural Sustainability(IJAS) is a cross-disciplinary, peer-reviewed journal dedicated to advancing the understanding of sustainability in agricultural and food systems. IJASpublishes both theoretical developments and critical appraisals of new evidence on what is...
  4. Abstract, 2011, Journal of Applied Environmental and Biological Sciences Agricultural sector as important economic activities in various communities requires coherent planning in order to achieve development and confront with crises. Sustainable agriculture is more efficient in use of resources...
  5. 关键资源 2007-05-25 This handbook of locally based agricultural practices brings together the best of science and farmer experimentation, vividly illustrating the enormous diversity of shifting cultivation systems as well as the power of human ingenuity. Environmentalists have tended to disparage shifting...
  6. 关键资源 1992-03-10 This text examines the strategies and techniques of Low-External-Input and Sustainable Agriculture (LEISA) in the tropics and analyzes the scientific principles behind them. The central aim of the book is to show development workers how they can assist small-scale farmers in making the best use...
  7. 关键资源 1990-01-19 "Mindanao Baptist Rural Life Center, Mag-uugmad Foundation, Incorporated/World Neighbors." Papers presented at the Workshop on Sustainable Agriculture in the Uplands, held in the Philippines from Aug. 25 to Sept. 9, 1989.
  8. 关键资源 1995-01-19 For the past 50 years, the main goal of agriculture has been to increase production at any price, using high amounts of fertilizers and pesticides and intensive industrial methods. This has caused damage to the environment and widespread rural depopulation. This study shows that there is a viable...
  9. Foundations for Farming was born out of a man relationship with the earth. Rather than using deep soil inversion along with burning, the author took a lesson from God and the way the earth nourished itself and began farming in that manner. The author came up with the idea of Zero-tillage and...
  10. Conservation agriculture―consisting of four components including permanent soil cover, minimum soil disturbance, diversified crop rotations and integrated weed management―is considered the principal pathway to sustainable agriculture and the conservation of natural resources and the environment....