1. This article is from ECHO Asia Note # 32. 简介 对于许多发展中国家的家庭而言,烹饪所需的日常能量是繁重且昂贵的。 幸运的 是,对于家庭而言,低成本的烹饪方法越来越容易,这些方法需要更少的燃料,同时 得以更加清洁和有效地燃烧。 一种行之有效的方法是家用气化炉灶,家用气化炉灶旨 在将少量的碳基固体生物质(通常来自废物或低成本物质)转化为用于烹饪的可燃气 体(参见Dussadee 博士关于气化炉如何工作来获取更多信息) 工作(2013))。 与燃烧传统木材或其他生物质的烹饪技术相比,气化炉烹饪炉具有许多优点。 在 气化炉中燃烧二次气体(热解)...
  2. The resources in this collection feature recent activities by ECHO Asia to research, construct, test, and distribute gasifier stoves. These stoves are currently constructed and available in two sizes (small and large) at the ECHO Asia office. Contact us at echoasia@echonet.org if you have...
  3. The Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves is a public-private partnership hosted by the UN Foundation to save lives, improve livelihoods, empower women, and protect the environment by creating a thriving global market for clean and efficient household cooking solutions. The Alliance’s 100 by ‘20...
  4. 1981-12-19 This is a question we have been asking for some time. The idea is to prepare pellets using an appropriate technology pelletizer, using waste biomass or charcoal made from it. We do not have much to report at this time except that an engineer has designed and is making a simple pelletizer for us....
  5. Sun Buckets is a for-profit social business that develops portable cookstoves that store the sun's energy, making cooking easier and more affordable for off-grid families around the world. For more than 3 billion people on our planet, cooking dinner is not as easy as turning the dial on a gas or...
  6. No one’s life should be limited by how they cook. Yet globally, three billion people depend on polluting open fires and inefficient stoves to cook their food, harming health, livelihoods, and the environment. Women and girls, who often spend hours cooking and collecting fuels, are...
  7. The Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves (Alliance) has been working to catalog existing cooking technologies and fuels that are available worldwide (traditional and improved), tracking key features of the technologies as well as testing results. Currently there are over 300 stoves in its Clean...
  8. But “clean” is a nebulous term. Of those 28 million cookstoves, only 8.2 million — the ones that run on electricity or burn liquid fuels including liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), ethanol and biogas — meet the health guidelines for indoor emissions set by the WHO. The vast majority of the stoves...
  9. Smoke from traditional cookstoves and open fires has been a silent killer in developing countries for far too long. While there are important signs that the sector is at a tipping point, a concerted and coordinated strategy to develop a thriving market for clean cookstoves and fuels is needed to...
  10. Abstract, 2015,Southern Agricultural Economics Association’s 2015 Annual Meeting The present paper evaluates the effects of the use of improved cookstoves (ICSs) on household fuel expenditure in Southern Haiti. It takes advantage of the fact that approximately 80 households received ICSs, a novel...