1. Access Agriculture Training Video Nas savanas semiáridas, onde as chuvas são limitadas e altamente imprevisíveis, a retenção de mais água no solo pode fazer a diferença entre uma colheita pobre e uma boa colheita. Você pode retardar o escoamento da água, criando cordões de contornos, que são...
  2. Warc operates in West Africa, with established agricultural production and consulting operations in Sierra Leone and Ghana. Warc runs three farms in two countries, with a combined cultivated area of 5,000 acres and serves over 600 smallholder farmers on our Training Farm, and served over 10,000...
  3. Access Agriculture Training Video No semiárido da África Ocidental, agricultores e pastores explicam por que e como as árvores e o rebanho desempenham um papel essencial na obtenção de solo e lavoura produtivos. No Níger e em Gana, essa é uma das estratégias de manejo integrado da estriga e...
  4. Access Agriculture Training Video Nematodes are dreadful worms that live in the soil and in the roots of many different crops and weeds. Nematodes are easier to prevent than to control. The secret is to: grow healthy seedlings; destroy all sources of nematodes in and near your vegetable field;...
  5. Access Agriculture Training Video O consórcio ou rotação de culturas de cereais com leguminosas é uma das estratégias de manejo integrado da estriga e fertilidade do solo. Mas manter sementes de leguminosas de qualidade apresenta dois desafios principais. Primeiro, a semente perde facilmente sua...
  6. Snail farming business is a business anyone can dive into due to its low capital intensity and presently it is providing one of the finest opportunities to make money within a short period of time. Snail has a huge demand in Nigeria market because of its unique taste and nutritional value.
  7. Abstract,International Journal of Agriculture and Earth Science, 2019 This study analyzed profitability of snail marketing in Ogo Oluwa Local Government Area of Oyo State. Purposive sampling technique was employed to select sixty one (61) respondents for the study and structured questionnaire was...
  8. The cost-benefit facts presented here are based on the results of the pilot implementation of snail farming as an income generation activity for 30 Liberian families in Nimba, Grand Gedee and River Gee Counties with the support of the Non-Legally binding instrument (NLBI) project during 2012-2013...
  9. 01/01/2021 This book is designed as a simple introduction to the more common food plants of Cameroon. It is hoped people will take greater pride and interest in these plants and become confident and informed about how to grow and use them. Many of the local food plants that occur in every country are very...
  10. Abstract,Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics, 2020 The study examines the effects of adoption of sustainable land management practices on farm households’ technical efficiency (TE) and environmental efficiency, using household-level data from Ghana. We employ selectivity...