1. 19/01/1989 This book is a summary of our experiences working with animal health and husbandry problems in Tonga. 58 pages, illustrated
  2. 01/01/1996 Obtendo mais leite através dum melhor maneio Este Agrodok fornece informação sobre os aspectos principais da criação de gado leiteiro nas regiões tropicais, como sejam a alimentação, selecção, cuidados de saúde, reprodução e registo. Este manual é dirigido a produtores agropecuários em pequena...
  3. 19/01/1990 As aves de capoeira constituem uma fonte inevitável de proteína animal de alto valor biológico e podem ser criadas sob condições de alimentação e recursos de habitação limitados. As galinhas são “conversores de resíduos”: ao digerirem “convertem” os resíduos, base da fonte alimentar, em proteína...
  4. Le présent essai est essentiellement une revue, une tentative de rassemblement des principales informations relatives au problème des relations entre productions animales et végétaux ligneux, considérés dans l'opique environnementale, si actuelle. On s'est efforcé de donner dans une forme...
  5. 01/01/1994 This book describes the United Mission to Nepal's Animal Health Improvement Project - a village animal healthcare project that has been running in Nepal since the early 1980s. It is based on teh results of an evaluation undertaken in teh late 1991 and updated since then. The successes, problems...
  6. 01/01/1993 *Available Only in Spanish This book provides information regarding agriculture translations in both English and Spanish. It also provides illastrations of vegetables, tools, plants, and animals. 2 Copies
  7. Dioli, M. Observation on dromedary (Camelus dromedarius) welfare and husbandry practices among nomadic pastoralists.Pastoralism12,7 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1186/s13570-021-00221-5 Abstract Animal welfare is an important topic for consideration within every livestock husbandry sector. Welfare...
  8. AGRISprovides a great opportunity to increase analysis of agricultural performance and, consequently, help inform agriculture investment, innovation and policy to drive changes toward increasing sustainability in the agriculture sector. The platform provides free access to more than13 million...
  9. Through sustained agricultural food production using ducks, fish, and crops this experiment sets out to be a means to love the poor. A system was built where ducks, fish, and crops could feed off each other's wastes. The plants and ducks grew well but there was not enough oxygen for the fish.
  10. This handbook on rabbit raising tries to adopt stateside information to local situations and attempts to share the many experiences and knowledge gained by rabbit raisers in the Philippines.