1. Access Agriculture Training Video Contour hedgerows slow the speed of water coming down the slope and allow the water to infiltrate. They also allow the washed away soil and nutrients to settle out above the hedgerows. You can plant many different grasses, depending on what you need and what is...
  2. Access Agriculture Training Video Onions have few roots and shallow roots and therefore can take up nutrients from the top soil only. This explains why it is crucial to pay particular attention to making your soil fertile when you want to grow onions. Available languages Arabic Bambara Bangla...
  3. Access Agriculture Training Video By making a base mix that can be fed to all animals, you save time and money. Two thirds of the mix is made from grains, like paddy, maize, sorghum and millet. One third of the mix should be rich in protein and fat. Mill the base mix into a coarse flour....
  4. Access Agriculture Training Video Provide a bed of wood shavings or dry grass to make it comfortable for the hens to lay their eggs. This helps to reduce moisture and decreases the chance of infestation by parasites. But these small parasitic insects are not the only problem. During their first...
  5. Access Agriculture Training Video A estriga parasita causa mais danos às culturas de cereais em solos pobres, por isso ambos os problemas devem ser enfrentados em conjunto. Neste vídeo, aprenderemos por que é importante combinar pelo menos três métodos de controle para reduzir a estriga e, assim,...
  6. Access Agriculture Training Video No semiárido da África Ocidental, agricultores e pastores explicam por que e como as árvores e o rebanho desempenham um papel essencial na obtenção de solo e lavoura produtivos. No Níger e em Gana, essa é uma das estratégias de manejo integrado da estriga e...
  7. Access Agriculture Training Video Although rice is highly nutritious, a lot of the quality is lost during processing. This results in poor-quality rice on the market, so consumers turn to imported rice. In this video you can learn about parboiling, a way to improve the quality of rice by treating...
  8. Access Agriculture Training Video Fruit flies inject their eggs in fruit. A single fruit fly can lay hundreds of eggs, which turn into white worms that eat the inside of fruit. If no action is taken, fruit flies quickly increase in numbers and can destroy your entire crop. Always combine...
  9. Access Agriculture Training Video A análise econômica permite que os agricultores saibam quanto dinheiro ganhariam ou perderiam ao mudar de tecnologia ou prática. Isso os ajuda a decidir qual prática querem experimentar em suas lavouras no ano seguinte. Idiomas disponíveis Amárico Ateso Aymara...
  10. Access Agriculture Training Video Certos fungos crescem em amendoim, milho e outros alimentos. Esses fungos produzem um veneno chamado aflatoxina. Para obter amendoins saudáveis é importante cuidar do amendoim durante todo seu crescimento, mas principalmente durante a secagem e armazenamento....