Nigerian Pidgin (pcm) | Change Language (Change Language)
  1. Edible Portion: Shoots, Seeds A bamboo. It grows 2-4 m tall. The culms are 0.5-2 cm across. The internodes are 15-18 cm long. There are 9-14 branches ateach node. There are 2 or 3 leaves at the last branch. The leaf blade is 6-10 cm long by 5-13 mm wide.
  2. Edible Portion: Seeds, Cereal, Shoots A bamboo. It grows 6 m tall. It grows in clumps and keeps growing from year to year. The stems are 5-9 m long and 2-4 cmwide. The internodes are 15-20 cm long. The culm sheaths are 30-40 cm long. The leaf blades are narrowly sword shaped and15-30 cm long by...
  3. Edible Portion: Seeds, Shoots A bamboo or rattan. It forms clumps and is scrambling. It grows 10-15 m tall or longer. The stalks are slightly zigzag shapedand 1.5 cm across. The internodes are 20-30 cm long. The leaves are sword shaped. The flowering shoots are large. Theseeds are large and...
  4. Edible Portion: Seeds, Young Shoots, Cereal, Sap, Manna, Vegetable A bamboo or grass. It grows 10-15 m high. It grows in dense clumps. The stem is solid. It is 8-10 cm wide at the base. Itarches slightly at the tips. The sheaths are covered with short dark brown bristly hairs. These can be rubbed...
  5. Edible portion : Stem, Flowers, Fruit, Buds, Seeds, Roots A large herb. It grows 3-10 m tall. It keeps growing from year to year by re-growing new stalks from the underground root stock. The leaves are green and 3 m long. The flowers are purple. The fruit are pale yellow. They are 3 sided and 8...
  6. Edible Portion: Seeds, Fruits, Nuts A medium sized tree. It grows 20 m tall. The trunk can be slightly fluted. The leaves are simple and alternate. The leaves are clustered at the ends of branches and arranged in spirals. They are 6-20 cm long by 3-6 cm wide. The leaves are widest above the...
  7. Edible portion:Fruit, Aril, Pods, Seeds, Seeds - oil A shrub or small tree. It grows up to 10 m tall but can be 15-25 m tall. The trunk can be 50-60 cm across. There are many branches. The branches are spiny. These are in pairs and are 4-10 mm long. The young leaves are usually reddish. The...
  8. Edible Portion:Pods, Seeds, Leaves, Fruit, Bark, Vegetable, Flowers, It is a leafy shrub or a spreading tree. It loses its leaves during the year. It can grow to 12 m tall. The leaves are broad and lobed. The bark is rough and brown. The leaves are simple and can be 20 cm across. The tip of the...
  9. Edible portion:Fruit, Seeds - oil A small deciduous tree. It can grow to 13 m tall. It has drooping branches. There are thorns on the branches. The plant sends up thorny suckers often at a distance from the tree. These need to be cut off. They can be used for rootstock for grafting. The leaves...
  10. Edible portion:Fruit, Seeds, Palm heart, Cabbage A fan palm. It can be 40 m tall. The trunk is thinner than Washingtonia filifera. It is flared widely at the base. The trunk can be covered with dead leaves. The leaves are large and fan shaped. They are green on both surfaces. There are brown...