1. Evitiyu enatcharela enonihera merelo ya opatchera nikhuru nimoha na okhuha mussurukhu. Elaa ennatcherera merelo ya opaka nikhuru, meelo oreherera nikhuru navetho etcharihelaka merelo ya oreherera ekaacha ya okuha mussurukhu. Evitiyu yopatchera npuwa mwa ivitiyu thanu ni emoha inaleeliha olapa ni...
  2. Nvitiyu mu, nnaya oleliha yokweleya opakiwa vamuthukumanoni werenyayavo opoleya wa mussurukhu. Nnavanhihana merelo olamula malapelo ni makuchero ya ikhorowa sa opoleya. Elaa evitiyu yanethanu mwa ivitiyu thanu ni emoha sa malapelo ni mussurukhu wa vakhani.
  3. Evitiyu elaa enonihera mapakelo ya muthanle ya nikhuru na metchihero. Nohussera merelo ya olamula othene vamoha navetho merelo ya othanla nikhuru npuwa wa muteko olaa. Elaa evitiyu yanawili ohiya ivitiyu thanu ni emoha sa olapa ni mussurukhu vakhani.
  4. Evitiyu elaa enaleeliha merelo ya opakiha muthukumano. Hi nnavanhihana miteko sokhela wereya variyari wa nikhuru nmithukumano sothene. evitiyu elaa tiya nethanu ni emoha mwa ivitiyu thanu ni emoha inalotcha malapelo ya mussurukhu wa vakhani.
  5. 2009-04-20 Nearly forty percent of humanity lives on an average of two dollars a day or less. If you've never had to survive on an income so small, it is hard to imagine. How would you put food on the table, afford a home, and educate your children? How would you handle emergencies and old age? Every day,...
  6. Evitiyu elaa enonihera merelo sa missokho ikhanle olivihiwa mutchu atchonpela muthukumano wa munikhuruni navetho missokho ikhanle mulivihiwa mutchu ahiperekha ikhorowa sa okuha mukaachani wa mussurukhu. Elaa evitiyu yaneraru mwa ivitiyu thanu ni emoha inaleeliha olapa ni mussurukhu wa vakhani.
  7. Nvitiyu mu, nhu munaya ohusera miphiro sokwelela wawi npatchere muthukumano sothene munikhuruni na okuha mussurukhu. Nvetho yotcharela merelo ya opoleya ikhorowa. Eitiyu yanecheche npuwa wa ivitiyu thanu ni emoha inaleeliha olapa ni mussurukhu wa vakhani.
  8. One key aspect of those who live in poverty is a lack of options. Personal finances are one area in which lack of options can have a huge impact on a family and community. Sometimes income and/or expenses are irregular, leaving folks vulnerable. The opportunity to borrow a small amount of money...
  9. 2010-01-20 The microfinance revolution has allowed more than 150 million poor people around the world to receive small loans without collateral, build up assets, and buy insurance. The idea that providing access to reliable and affordable financial services can have powerful economic and social effects has...
  10. 2001-01-20 Some people tout microfinance as the most important tool now available for fighting poverty while still others doubt its contribution to the "truly" poor. This volume offers a reasoned, moderate voice on the virtues and problems of microfinance. Drawing on the success story of Bolivia, Rhyne...