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"Agriculture and Horticulture are vital sciences as they suffice the very basic need of food for Human beings. Qualitative and quantitative food can essentially be produced from healthy plants which in turn are produced only when their seedlings/sapplings are vigorous and healthy. Nursery is consequently the basic need of horticulture."  --  Resource Book on Horticulture Nursery Management


Many of the resources listed were identified by ECHO Intern Elena Brooks for use in her Senior Seminar (October, 2018)

  1. Key Resource 2021-03-29 Cultivating plants, sharing seeds and cuttings with neighbors, and seeking better crop varieties are as old as agriculture. We use the word “nursery” for places where we care for and nurture things that are precious and vulnerable, like children and plants. Creating habitats to grow healthy...
  2. 2020-01-01 In a tropical setting, growing seedlings can be difficult. A major factor of concern for nursery production is water logging (Zhu et al. 2007). During the rainy season, oversaturated soils can effectively suffocate root systems of a seedling by restricting flow of oxygen and other important...
  3. Key Resource 2014-04-01 ECHO frequently receives questions from members of our network, asking how available land could be used to grow food and/or create income to augment an otherwise non-agricultural project. Broadly speaking, they are asking how to begin an institutional agriculture project—a coordinated agriculture...
  4. Nurseries are places where seedlings are raised for planting purposes. In the nursery the young seedlings are tended from sowing to develop in such a way as to be able to endure the hard field conditions. Whether local or introduced species, nursery seedlings are found to have better survival...
  5. 1999-01-19 Good tree nursery practices for research nurseries is more than a checklist of do’s and don’t’s for nursery managers and researchers. It presents concise but thorough information on all aspects of raising high-quality planting stock, with lists of contacts and nursery suppliers. In addition to...
  6. 2010-07-20 Dan Hemenway wrote to us after reading EDN 106. “By the way, one reason why charred rice hulls may work well in potting mixes is that any form of charcoal improves the capacity of soil to hold nutrients and release them to plants.
  7. 1995-03-19 Coconut coir can be used in place of peat for nursery mixes. Coir is the fibrous part of the coconut husk. Tests in Australia and Europe show that this product makes a remarkably adequate substitute for peat.
  8. 2015-05-12 An overview of the Aloha House’s nursery and how it is run.
  9. As long ago as the 1978 World Forestry congress the notion of the importance of 'Forests for People' has been a part of the formal discourse of foresters, even if many did little more than pay lip-service to the idea. While few have been prepared to go as far as Jack Westoby, who clearly...
  10. 1983-01-01 What are the advantages and disadvantages of growing citrus from seed when that is possible? One obvious advantage is that it is much less labor intensive to simply sow citrus seeds and eliminate the grafting step. Another advantage is that the seedling will most likely be free from viruses that...
  11. Access Agriculture Training Video Onion seedlings need a healthy, loose soil. Add well-aged manure or compost. In the rainy season you need to raise the seedbed so the onion roots will not rot. If you use quality seed, most of the seed will germinate and you need much less of it. Onion seedlings...
  12. Many cost conscious home gardeners and do-it-yourselfers are often looking for cheaper ways of growing plants for home and garden use. One way to achieve this may be by making homemade potting media rather than purchasing pre-made materials at garden centers and home supply stores. Although...
  13. 2014-01-20 A Guide to Starting and Operating a Nursery for Native and Traditional Plants This handbook was written for anyone endeavoring to start and operate a nursery for native and traditional plants in the tropics. Because the tropics cover a vast area of the world, however, the scope of the handbook is...
  14. Agriculture and Horticulture are vital sciences as they suffice the very basic need of food for the Human beings. Qualitative and quantitative food can essentially be produced from healthy plants which in turn are produced only when their seedlings/sapplings are vigorous and healthy. Nursery is...