1. 1992-07-19 Dr. Rosling does not like the statement “cassava contains cyanide.” A food that contained pure hydrogen cyanide could be easily detoxified (it would be driven off as a gas by cooking). If any free cyanide is present in cassava, it can easily be driven off into the air by temperatures over 28C (82...
  2. Manioko ezali bileyi ya base ya au moins 800 millions ya batu na a peu pres 80 pays, mingi mingi na Afrique sub-saharienne, mais pe na Asie, Pacifique, pe na Amerique du Sud. Manioko ezali na cyanogens, oyo e protegeaka contre ba pestes, to pe ba niama misusu na ko produire cyanure. Ezali na...
  3. Abstract - Food Chemistry, 2013 In this study, we extend pioneering studies and demonstrate straightforward applicability of the corrinbased chemosensor, aquacyanocobyrinic acid (ACCA), for the instantaneous detection and rapid quanti- fication of endogenous cyanide in fresh and processed cassava...
  4. Access Agriculture Training Video On sloping land, rainwater washes away the fertile soil and cassava yields will quickly decline. By reducing soil erosion and building up a healthy soil, you will continue to have a good cassava harvest for many years. Available languages Bambara English French...
  5. Key Resource 1985-04-01 Root crops is a general term commonly used for a wide variety of food plants that have an underground storage organ known as a root, tuber (rhizome), corm, or bulb. Root crops are rich in starch, and low in protein and oil. They are excellent sources of calories. Some are consumed as major...
  6. In this book, James Cock brings together the latest information on improved strains, modern production systems, better processing methods, innovations in storage and marketing, and the prospects for using cassava to produce fuel alcohol. He also explores the cassava procution programs of several...