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  1. 2000-01-01 Agroforesty adds an interesting twist to agriculture because it is a land-use system that focuses on the big picture. As you learn about agroforestry you will discover that farmers are not the only people who can benefit. Many of the principles and methods apply quite well to small landowners....
  2. This presentation defines agroforestry, describes its potenial to allieve major land use problems and indicates what type of interactions can be expected between its various components. The basic concepts of Multipurpose Trees and Shrubs, multidisciplinarity and sustainability are explained and...
  3. The main types of agroforests are described; tree homegardens, village forest gardens, "jardins de case", multipurpose woodlots, agroforestry buffer zones as well as some lesser known types of agroforests. These descriptions lead to a broad definition of agroforests. Looking at the application...
  4. 1999-01-01 This lesson plan is designed for training of adult short term volunteer personnel for assignment in agroforestry self help programs in Malawi, Africa, who have bery little previous experience in the agroforestry disciplines, to become familiarized with agroforestry technologies, to be able to...
  5. Included in this publication are illustrations and discriptions of gardening in Africa. Also included is a third world irrigation update. Sponsored by Double Harvest Inc. [et al] No page numbers, illustrated
  6. 1991-01-06 This booklet grew out of a one day workshop. By learning to raise compost crops, diet crops and income crops in a 100 square foot bed, you can begin to understand what you will need to know in order to grow food for your diet, crops for a modest income, and the compost material to keep the soil...
  7. 1984-01-01 The FNGLA Certified Horticulture Professional program is a voluntary program for the certification of employees in the horticulture industry in Florida. The program, designed for the professional improvement of individuals in the industry, is one of the activies of the Florida Nursery, Growers...
  8. 1999-01-01 This is one of a series of Education Papers issued from time to time by the Education Division of the Department for International Development. Each paper represents a study or piece of commissioned research on some aspect of education and training in developing countries. Most of the studies...
  9. Set of 46 pictures and discriptions of helpful beneficial and harmful destructive organisms.
  10. Key Resource 1990-01-01 This manual is intended to be a guide to the vegetable production training course for developing country specialists offered at the Asian Vegetable Research and Development Center. It is designed as well to be a resource book for extension subject matter specialists and vocational agriculture...