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  1. Access Agriculture Training Video किसानों को अपने बीजों को सुखाने में काफी कठिनाइयों का सामना करना पडता है कयोंकि बीज मिटटी से नमी को अवशोषित करते हैं। नतीजतन, बीज की गुणवतता बिगडती है, और कोई भी खराब गुणवतता वाले बीज का उपयोग करके अचछी पैदावार की उममीद नहीं कर सकता है। इस वीडियो में आप देख सकते...
  2. Access Agriculture Training Video In this video, we will learn about a solution that boosts the crop’s growth, and at the same time protects the crop from pests and diseases. Soil contains many kinds of living things, including microbes that enrich the soil, and protect plants from diseases....
  3. Access Agriculture Training Video Donkeys, mules and horses are important working animals, many diseases are transmitted by insects such as flies. Flies can transmit a parasitic worm called Habronema that causes several problems in horses and donkeys. There are many precautions which you can take...
  4. Access Agriculture Training Video All across the world, people add condiments to their cooking to make it taste better. In West Africa, many sauces are prepared using a condiment made with seeds from the Néré tree, also known as the African locust bean. In Mali, this condiment is called soumbala....
  5. Access Agriculture Training Video Farmers in Kenya show us how they build a rabbit house using simple materials. Because rabbits do not sweat or pant to cool down, they will suffer in direct sun. It is therefore best to put a rabbit house in the shade. A raised house helps to protect the rabbits...
  6. Access Agriculture Training Video Weaver ants help to protect your fruit and nuts from fruit flies and many other pests. If you don’t have weaver ants in your orchard yet, collect all the nests from an ant colony and transfer them to one of your fruit trees. Help the ants to spread to more trees...
  7. Access Agriculture Training Video पानी की बचत, कम से कम भूमि का उपयोग, कम शरम, तेजी से विकास, उचच उपज के अतयधिक पौषटिक चारे देना जो आपके पशुधन में सुधार करेगा। हाइडरोपोनिक चारा उतपादन में ये परमुख लाभ हैं। उपलबध भाषा Chitonga / Tonga अंगरेजी अरबी चिचेवा / नयंजा टवि तेलुगु फरेंच बांगला मराठी...
  8. Access Agricuture Training Video When you pick your tomatoes, if you want to keep them longer, you have to find a way of reducing the temperature. As availability of electricity at village level can be a problem, ways have to be found to lower the temperature of this fragile crop. Some farmers at...