1. This manual is designed for development assistance workers and others who are planning or managing small-scale livestock projects. Although aimed specifically at those working in less-developed areas of the tropics and subtropics, these environmental guidelines apply to almost any region of the...
  2. This basic booklet can be seen as a first-aid kit for those who live in isolated places and cannot easily diagnose a disease or have an analysis made of feed quality.
  3. 20.12.2008 Farmers and sorghum in Nicaragua's northern region Using radio to share farmers' adaptation strategies Climate change Climate field schools in Indonesia Livestock and climate change Adaptive agriculture in flood affected areas Cultivating resilience - lessons from the 2004 tsunami in Sri Lanka...
  4. This 8-page leaflet, practical for use in the field and easy to read, helps pastoralists understand markets for animals and milk. It gives background information on types of products, market chains, adding value and different types of markets. Marketing processes are clearly outlined, along with...
  5. 01.01.2000 A Guide for Rural Extension Workers in the Sudano-Sahelian Zone The purpose of this guide is to help farming communities in the sudano-sahelian zone to finance, install and manage waterpoints for their village herds. The guide is written particularly for extensionists working in livestock water...
  6. Access AgricultureTraining Video Pastures that are grazed continuously get exhausted and grow little forage for the animals. Divide your pasture in sections using a fence, and let the animals graze one section at a time. When the pasture plants are half-way eaten, move the animals to another...
  7. 01.01.1990 Ziegen sind unter den kleinsten domestizierten Wiederkäuern und haben Menschheit länger als Vieh gedient oder Schaf. Sie gedeihen in dürr, semitropical, oder bergige Länder. Mehr als 460 Million Ziegen in der Welt produzieren über 4.5 Million Tonnen von Milch und 1.2 Million Tonnen von Fleisch...
  8. 01.01.1990 Das Schaf war eine der frühesten tierischen Spezies, die domestiziert wurde, mit Beweis, den sie behalten wurden und nicht gejagt wurden, so früh wie vor 10,700 Jahren in der Felsschlucht des Größeren Zab Flusses in Nördlich Iraq. Wool ist in den Überreste von 20,000-Jahr alt gefunden worden...
  9. 01.01.1986 Tierischste Wissenschaft-Handbücher haben sich auf die Sorge konzentriert und Management von gewöhnlichen Rassen von Haustieren zu erreichen größerer production. Dieses Handbuch betont das Umwelt Faktoren, die Viehbestand und Viehbestand-Wechselwirkungen beeinflussen. Übliche Viehbestand-Texte...
  10. Lightning Talk, 2022 East Africa Pastoralist Symposium, March 29, 2022. Presenter: Cathy Watson