1. 2008-01-01 3 ring binder of pages describing a week-long program of instruction, in detail with many illustrations and directions
  2. 2012-01-01 This report provides the summary findings of the CAPTURED End Evaluation. In addition, three country evaluation reports have been produced, based on the work of the CAPTURED partners in Bolivia, Ghana and India. As noted in the ToR document, the purpose of this evaluation of the Program for...
  3. Session:Over decades, the people of Massai have been and are still facing lifehardship, such as scarcity of resources (e.g. water and land), a massive population growth and a plight of women, deep-rooted by their traditions. Therefore, for the last twenty years, "Help for the Massai“, a german,...
  4. 2014-01-01 When Dan Fountain and his wife arrived in the Congo in 1961, the challenges to effective medical missions seemed overwhelming. As the only doctor for a quarter of a million residents of the Vanga Health Zone, and with nothing but a dilapidated mission hospital and an undertrained staff to run it,...
  5. 這部動畫片包含了微生物傳染疾病的基本概念以及降低此類傳染的基本方法
  6. 2019-11-20 Session :Bibiana looks back and reflects on the changes that Community Health Evangelism (CHE) has brought to the lives of their friends and co-workers in Haiti. Bibiana will take us for a virtual visit to the communities of Mombin Crochu and Bois de Laurence, enter the home of Aniesse in...
  7. Macrosocial Determinants of Population Health explores social factors such as culture, mass media, political systems, and migration that influence population health while systematically considering how we may best study these factors and use our knowledge from this study to guide health...