1. 01/01/2023 Traditionally a building material of the warmer climate zones, bamboo is becoming increasingly popular amongst architects in the northern hemisphere; bamboo has several advantages – it is very stable, of low weight, and highly elastic, in addition to being readily available as well as renewable....
  2. Edible Portion: Shoots A loosely tufted bamboo. The culm is erect and the tip hangs over. The stem or culm can be 30 m high. They are 15-20 cmacross at the base. The wall is 2.5-4 cm thick. They are greenish-grey. The internodes are 30-60 cm long. There is a shinybrown line of hairs below and...
  3. 01/01/1985 Bambù è una delle persone di materiali più grandi usato aumenta il loro confortoe benessere. Nel mondo di oggi di plastica e ricopre d'acciaio, oltre al continuare a fare i suoi contributi tradizionali, bambù sta crescendo in importanza. Notevole varietà di bambù da in tutto il mondo è esaminato...
  4. 01/01/1960 Questo a buon mercato, facile-a-faccia penna č stata in uso in Giordania fin da 3000 A.C. le Penne di taglie diverse puň essere costituito lavoro che varia da scrittura di multa a blocco grande lettere. Penne simili sono usate anche in Thailandia.
  5. Key Resource 17/05/2018 Many plants deemed as invaluable for the smallholder farmer offer nutritious food for the family, fodder for animals, or timber for construction. Remarkably, bamboo offers all three of these assets from the same perennial plant! This Technical Note will focus on how to most effectively harvest,...
  6. 01/01/1985 Detailed descriptions with illustrations and photos on building with bamboo. Includes German text. 2 volumes, illustrated, photos
  7. 01/09/1981 This manual, developed by the U.S. Department of Agriculture under the Point Four program, presents critical features and principles of using bamboo as a building material. Information provided in the manual includes the following: parts of a house for which bamboos are suitable, bamboo...
  8. 19/01/1995 Brings together the pratical experience of engineers working in the field. Shows how bamboo has been used in different designs in developing countries. 65 pages, illustrated
  9. In India there is a saying that “after birth one cannot survive without bamboo”. The early human use of bamboo tools and technology may have preceded the usage of the Stone Age tools, but unlike stone, bamboo is perishable and no record of the use has been preserved. Bamboo is an extremely...
  10. 01/01/1984 A comprehensive guide to this remakable plant, its uses, and its history 2 copies 331 pages, illustrated