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  1. 01 Januari 1987 Les écoles peuvent servir de centres pour faire connaître les nouvelles technologies, organiser des démonstrations et effectuer des travaux de vulgarisation. Les pépinières, les mini-parcs, les plantations d'arbres produisant du bois de chauffage et les vergers sont des "laboratoires vivantes" où...
  2. This book tells you how to make and run a forest nursery for local development. This book is for extension workers and for people who are not trained foresters. 37 pages, illustrated
  3. 01 Januari 1987 This technical guide is a comprehensive summary of forest nursery practices for the Caribbean, tropical Latin America, and, to a lesser degree, other tropical areas in the world. Included are actual and the authors' recommended practices, pointing out the advantages and disadvantages wherever...