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The first book on entomophagy written in this manner, Edible Insects of the World is an enumeration of 2,141 species of edible insects. For the reader’s convenience, insect names are arranged much like a dictionary, first by taxonomic group and then by country. In addition to taxonomic and location information, entries contain applicable details about the history of entomophagy, collecting, cooking, and medicinal uses.

296 pp : ill

Informations de publication

  • Publié: 2021
  • Éditeur: Boca Raton : CRC Press (Taylor & Francis Group, LLC)
  • ISBN-10: 0367782901
  • ISBN-13: 978-0367782900
  • Dewey Decimal: 641.696
  • Bibliothèque ECHO: 641.696 MIT


Edible Insects
