1. AGRISproporciona una gran oportunidad para aumentar el análisis del desempeño agrícola y, por consiguiente, ayuda a informar las inversiones agrícolas, la innovación y las políticas que impulsan cambios hacia una mayor sostenibilidad en el sector agrícola. AGRIS da acceso gratuito a más de14...
  2. 9/1/2007 A guide to what is known of the uses, cultivation and worldwide availability of edible and other commercially important aquatic plants other than seaweeds, which already have an extensive literature of their own. It is suitable for backyard growers; botanists; as well as students of horticulture,...
  3. This report is the results from a three year project to study "what makes sense" for aquaculture development in Ghana focusing on the target group of resource-poor farm household, which make up 85% of the rural population.