1. 19/2/2024 This 1-week course is designed for development workers, missionaries, and volunteers looking to engage their communities with low-cost, high-impactagricultural ideas and techniques.Participants will be introduced to various agricultural practices and technologies through classroom time and...
  2. 5/1/1983 Prepared by the Cooperative Extension Service of Kansas State University, this bulletin decribes through words and pictures various diseases that attack Kansas wheat crops.
  3. 20/7/2002 Agricultural extension The ICT gloval plans Networking in sub Saharan Africa Farmer to farmer radio for Dekhon farmers in Tadjikistan Internet in the South Linking farmers through radio Using the Internet for advocacy
  4. AGRISproporciona una gran oportunidad para aumentar el análisis del desempeño agrícola y, por consiguiente, ayuda a informar las inversiones agrícolas, la innovación y las políticas que impulsan cambios hacia una mayor sostenibilidad en el sector agrícola. AGRIS da acceso gratuito a más de14...
  5. This paper outlines three agricultural and rural extension market reforms and two non-marketing reforms, at all times emphasizing stakeholder, and particularly enduser, participation in the approaches employed in these reforms. It also recognizes the need for non-farm microenterprise development...
  6. 1/1/2005 This is a reference text bringing together available information on five Annona species, with the aim of identifying gaps in knowledge and thus research needs. With an accompanying extention manual, this will provide opportunities for noth resources-poor as well as small-scale commercial farmers...
  7. 13/3/2020 This article is from ECHO Asia Note # 41. With a new decade upon us, the ECHO Asia team is pleased to highlight the next chapter in its engagement with the Asia regional network. Many of you are well aware of the goings on of ECHO Asia, but for some it may come as news that we have launched a new...
  8. 13/3/2020 Featured in this AN A Snapshot of the ECHO Asia Small Farm Resource Center & Seed Bank Black Soldier Fly System of the FrangipaniLangkawi Organic Farm
  9. 1/1/2003 No page numbers, illustrated
  10. 40 pages, plus appendices