1. 19/1/1993 Integrated Smallholder Dairy Farming Manual A smallholder dairy farming system must be integrated into the total agricultural, social, and ecological system. The result, integrated smallholder farming, will enhance the total system. Disintegration is the result of these systems not interfacing...
  2. 20/1/2015 Dairying as an enterprise has got a place alongside other viable tools of poverty alleviation, besides creating job opportunities to jobless families in Tanzania. Statistics from the ministry of Livestock and Fisheries Development show that there are about 800,000 improved dairy cattle in...
  3. 20/1/2010 Swahili Only Ufugaji bora wa ng'ombe wa maziwa-2
  4. 1/11/2016 In Ethiopia, more attention is being given to crossbreeding to answer the questions of food security in the near future as the selection in local cattle is very slow to bring progress. In contrast, improving the genetic potential of local cattle is not given equivalent emphasis though it is...
  5. Abstract, Broadening Horizons, 2017 June With increasing per capita consumption of milk and other dairy products throughout developing countries, virtually every country in southern Asia is seeking to increase its domestic production of raw milk. This task seems easier in certain countries as...
  6. 14/2/2019 Session: There is a long history of dairy development in Rungwe District, Mbeya Region, Tanzania. Part of this presentation offers a case study of the introduction of dairy cows in one ward since the early 1980s. It suggests how ideas from science and technology studies (STS) about innovation can...
  7. Session:There is a long history of dairy development in Rungwe District, Mbeya Region, Tanzania. Part of this presentation offers a case study of the introduction of dairy cows in one ward since the early 1980s. It suggests how ideas from science and technology studies (STS) about innovation can...
  8. 3/2/2015
  9. 20/5/2009 Gives smallholder dairy farmers the business management skills they will need to remain sustainable. Most countries in South-East Asia have established smallholder dairy farming industries through social welfare and rural development programs to provide a regular cash flow for poorly resourced...
  10. 1/11/2016 This presentation analyzes factors affecting technology adoption in smallholder dairy production systems using a combination of frameworks and mixed methods: agricultural household models and agricultural innovation systems approach and a mix of quantitative and qualitative methods. Findings show...
  11. This study provides an overview of dairying in Sub-Saharan Africa and discusses the principal constraints to development as well as the experience gained from some earlier initiatives. It analyzes the opportunites and options for future dairy development. Appropriate strategies and policies are...
  12. 1/1/1989 This book includes articles on marketing, traditional practice concerns, production medicine, computer usage, nontraditional opportunities, and surviving as a solo practitioner.
  13. 1/1/1996 With its emphasis on the use of simple techniques, this Agrodok booklet will be invaluable to anyone who would like to start a business in small-scale preparation of dairy products in a developing country. The text provides an ideal introduction to the subject, as well as highlighting the...
  14. 1/1/1993 This book has been written especially for smallholder dairy cattle farmers in East Africa. However, most husbandry practices promoted herein are applicable for any subtropical or tropical area where dairying is being promoted and developed. Although the emphasis is on cattle, many of the...
  15. Cattle play important role in animal protein production for two reasons; first, the unique ruminant digestive system utilizes forage for food and secondary, much of the world offers marginal grazing systems on land not suitable for crop production. These feedstuffs would not be utilized were it...
  16. This document has been prepared to help dairy cattle practitioners in their efforts to use antimicrobials judiciously to minimize the development of restance in human and animal pathogens while maintaining effectiveness to treat and prevent diseases of food animals.
  17. 1/1/2008 Whether you keep a single milk cow or care for a large herd, you’ll benefit from this comprehensive guide to calving. With expert advice gained from decades of hands-on experience, Heather Smith Thomas shows you how to effectively handle a variety of common situations likely to arrive before,...
  18. These proceedings focus on the finer points of nutrition and areas ofresearch. They discuss concepts and hypotheses that often deviate from previous ideas and suppositions.
  19. 1/1/2007 This paper is based on various studies on dairy development in India, personal experience of the writer during the implementation of "Operation Flood", discussion and interviews with milk producers and reports on animal husbandry and dairy development from the Department of the Ministry of...
  20. 1/1/2011 This book is an introduction to the tools and ideas available to organic or transitioning dairy farmers, and offers practical information on making the decision about organic certification, maintaining soil health, crop production and grazing management, selecting and maintaining the health of...
  21. This is a step-by-step guide to the promotion of fodder shrubs for smallholder dairy enterprises in East Africa. It is intended for both extension managers and field-based extensionists, in particular those who are startingto work with fodder shrubs for the first time. Ths book is divided into...
  22. 1/1/1989 This book is a collection of colums for the purpose of providing objective information on embryo transfer procedures, and to explain new scientific findings that will lead to future applications. 101 pages, illustrated, photos
  23. 20/2/2013
  24. 1/1/2011 The four studies comprising this thesis characterised Moringa Oleifera as a fodder for dairy cows under dry tropical conditions in Nicaragua. In conclusion, to maintain high biomas yields of Moringa over time, the best planting density-ferfilizer combination was D, and N, MLM can successfully...
  25. 1/1/1991 It is the intention of the editors to provide the veterinary practitioner with a sound biologic base in dairy nutrition. With this base, it will be possible to use the nutrition management articles of this issue.
  26. Esta herramienta de racionamiento de la FAO para vacas lecheras permite de diseñar raciónes con formulaciónde menor costo utilizando recursos disponibles a nivel local. La satisfacción de los requerimientos nutricionales de las vacas lecheras a través de una dieta equilibrada es vital para...
  27. This publication discusses the many types of silos and how to make silage.
  28. Recurso clave 1/1/1994 This book looks at milk processing, traditional methods and products, improving milk processing technologies, socio-economic considers and includes case studies.
  29. 1/1/1991 This publication reviewed the various milk production systems in the tropical areas (humid and dry) accoring to agro-climatic and technical, exonomical and sociological conditions including special situations like peri-urban production systems. It also reviewed new knowledge in ruminat digestion...
  30. Abstract, Researchgate, 1998 The effect of including a legume in sugarcane forage on milk yield was examined in 12 Holstein * zebu cows. Legumes were distributed in a switch-back design in the following treatments: sugarcane (A), sugarcane + urea (B) and sugarcane + Macroptilium atropurpureum cv....
  31. Recurso clave 1/1/1993 Dairying covers in detail the rearing, husbandry and management, feeding and nutrition of calf, heifer and milk cows. Many examples of milk production systems and milk cow regimes are also described. The issues of the development of dairying and the constraints that affect farmers in tropical...
  32. ¿Qué es el portal lácteo? Una plataforma imparcial que ofrece una amplia variedad de materiales sobre producción y productos lácteos en los países en desarrollo. El portal permite a los usuarios intercambiarinformación, experiencias,vídeoseimágenes.
  33. 20/1/2008 This Agrodok booklet helps smallholders increase profits from dairy farming. It offers advice on how a combination of better management and genetic improvement of the herd can contribute to increasing milk production. With extensive information on other main aspects of dairy farming such as...
  34. 20/1/2005 Although many small-scale farmers in eastern Africa have dairy cows of exotic breeds or crosses, they do not feed them in a way that will achieve high milk yields. This practical handbook contains information on nutritional needs at various stages of the cow's life and suitable feeding...
  35. 1/1/1988 This edition is intended as a guide for diet formulation, and the nutritional management of dairy cattle during various phases of the life cycle. It should be a useful tool for producers, extension personnel, teachers, students, and research scientists alike.
  36. Access Agriculture Training Video A soft fresh cheese can be made and ready for consumption in less than 1 hour and, and is easily made with some basic kitchen equipment, as we will learn from rural women from the village of Sakkara in Egypt. Available languages Arabic Bambara Bangla Chichewa /...
  37. AccessAgriculture Training Video Las modernas plantas lecheras usan leche pura y fresca para hacer leche en polvo, queso, yogurt y otros productos. La planta de procesamiento solo puede hacer sus productos a partir de leche pura. Cuando se agrega agua, la leche es diluida, o debilitada, y ya no...
  38. AccessAgriculture Training Video Los antibióticos son drogas usadas para matar microbios. Las drogas se pueden dar en la boca del animal o inyectadas a sus músculos o venas. Estas drogas van directamente a la sangre. La sangre lleva la droga a la ubre donde contamina a la leche. Idiomas...
  39. Access Agriculture Training Video Milk spoils because of germs that are too small to see. The germs grow in the milk and spoil it. Germs multiply faster in warm milk than in cold milk. So move the milk to the collection centre within 30 minutes of milking, or the milk will start to spoil. ...
  40. AccessAgriculture Training Video Las plantas lecheras modernas compran leche fresca de los agricultores y de los pastores para hacer varios productos. La empresa paga un precio justo, pero requiere de estricta higiene: solo compra leche fresca y limpia. Idiomas disponibles Bangla Bemba Chitonga...
  41. AccessAgriculture Training Video La producción de leche es una buena fuente de alimentos e ingresos para muchos hogares, pero para ganar dinero, es importante producir buena leche y bastante. Sin embargo, la leche puede ser fácilmente arruinada o ensuciada y luego los compradores la rechazan....
  42. Access Agriculture Training Video The key ingredient to making cheese is rennet. This triggers the fats in the milk to bind together as curds, and the rest of the liquid runs off as whey. Whilst you can buy ready-made commercial rennet in liquid or powder form, in Egypt, rural women prefer to use...
  43. This 8-page leaflet, practical for use in the field and easy to read, helps pastoralists understand markets for animals and milk. It gives background information on types of products, market chains, adding value and different types of markets. Marketing processes are clearly outlined, along with...
  44. 1/1/1999 Organic Dairy Farmingpresents the methods of practicing farmers who are Runited in their conviction that organic agriculture is the best alternative for farmers who want to ensure that future generations will still have the resources to feed themselves and that it also represents the best hope...
  45. This booklet addresses how to promote sustainable development of smallholder dairy for the benefit of the rural poor. It is aimed at people and organizations providing advisory, business and technical support services.
  46. 1/1/1985 Las industrias lecheras en muchos países industrializados han desarrollado los medios detallados en un esfuerzo a: (1) excepto la labor que es abundante y barato en la mayoría de los países en desarrollo; (2) proporcione protección para el ganado y sus conserjes de frío en invierno; y (3)...
  47. J. Dairy Sci. 104:7696–7710 https://doi.org/10.3168/jds.2020-19324 2021, The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. and Fass Inc. on behalf of the American Dairy Science Association. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/)....
  48. 1/1/1996 More Milk Through Better Management This Agrodok provides information about the main aspects of dairy farming in the tropics such as feeding, breeding, health care, reproduction and recording. It is meant for smallholders with some education and some knowledge about dairy cattle. The second...
  49. Access Agriculture Training Video Calcium deficiency is common among high-yielding dairy cows. A calcium deficient cow does not eat much, is cold to touch, looks tired and is unable to stand up. She gives less milk. Untreated cows may die. To prevent calcium deficiency, do not dehorn your cows....

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