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  1. 20/6/2013 This book is designed as a simple introduction to the more common food plants of Mozambique. It is hoped people will take greater pride and interest in these plants and become confident and informed about how to grow and use them. Many of the local food plants that occur in every country are very...
  2. Recurso clave The purpose of this resource is to suggest several key considerations for beginning a small garden project. This information is meant to be a guideline to better assist you in the organization and implementation of particular elements crucial to making a garden project successful. While each...
  3. Recurso clave
    1/6/2014 Cuando encuentras una variedad de un cultivo especialmente prometedor en tu área, ¿cómo puedes ayudar a otros agricultores a intentar con la variedad? Si un agricultor le da 30 semillas de una variedad excepcional, ¿cómo las puede distribuir? ¿Cómo fluyen las semillas adentro de y entre las...
  4. Recurso clave
    1/1/2012 Dawn Berkelaar, junto con el Dr. Martin Price y Danny Blank, presentaron este sistema agrícola en EDN 98. En ese momento, la técnica se conocía como “Sembrando a la manera de Dios” (Farming God’s Way-FGW). Posteriormente, el nombre fue cambiado a “Fundamentos de agricultura” (Foundations for...
  5. Recurso clave
    1/1/2011 Con frecuencia los productores preguntaban por semilla, pero nosotros no estábamos plenamente seguros de qué esperar cuando sugerimos a la asociación de productores en Nampula, Mozambique, que organizaran una feria en la que los miembros pudieran reunirse e intercambiar semilla. Tal vez sólo...
  6. Recurso clave
    1/1/1998 The first section of this note focuses in on a new technology, called the ‘technology protection system’ by its developers and ‘terminator technology’ by its opponents. This technology illustrates the potential for patents to impact society at the fundamental level of food production. The...
  7. Recurso clave
    16/4/2013 Agricultores de pequeña escala y trabajadores en desarrollo de agricultura están reportando cambios de clima. Por ejemplo, durante el Taller de Agricultura de ECHO en Asia, 63 asistentes en representación de por lo menos 25 organizaciones de agricultura y desarrollo comunitario de todo Myanmar...
  8. 19/10/1996 CINDY FAKE with Foodfor the Hungry in Mozambique wrote about her experiences controlling locusts with a tea made from leaves of the neem tree (Azadirachta indica). Meg LaVal in Costa Rica wrote of her successes withvermicomposting, or using worms to create compost quickly. “I have worked...
  9. 19/12/1998 El marañón (Anacardium occidentale) se conoce como un cultivo del hombre pobre, pero esto probablemente es porque crece bien sobre suelos arenosos de poca fertilidad. En Mozambique y Tanzania el marañón ocupa zonas de tierras bajas cerca de la costa con una precipitación entre 900 y 1300 mm...
  10. 19/3/1999 En la última edición Brian Hiltoncompartió su experiencia conárboles de marañón (Anacardiumoccidentale) en Mozambique. Paraesta publicación le pedimos a Brian que ampliará sobrealgunos de las problemáticas allí planteadas. Posteriormenteseguimos con una carta que nos escribió Ian Wallace en...
  11. Common beans are an important source of food and income for farmers and families. By improving your bean planting and cultivation practices you can have more beans to eat and sell. This animation shows you steps you can take to improve your bean production. This is a variant version focusing on...
  12. Compared to other leguminous cover crops, jack beans are the best option when it comes to protein content and replenishing nitrogen in the soil. Jack beans are also easy to store and extremely drought and pest resistant. Jack beans survive when other bean crops suffer with lack of rain or to...
  13. iDE is a global team of 1,200 changemakers coming from diverse backgrounds within international development and the private sector. What we all have in common is the belief that one entrepreneur can change their community and millions can change the world. Our work stands out in the international...
  14. Abstract -The Journal of Agricultural Education and Extension- Feb, 2018 Purpose:The limited uptake of improved agricultural practices in Africa raise questions on the functionality of current agricultural research systems. Our purpose is to explore the capacity for local innovation within the...
  15. Scientists have observed unexpected benefits in Mozambique’s Water Efficient Maize for Africa (WEMA) field trials that could well be a game changer in efforts to ensure Africa’s food security. Though the maize varieties were genetically modified to withstand drought and the vicious stem borer...
  16. Abstract, 2015 This study was on conservation agriculture, an agriculture system that employs a set of techniques that aim to protect the soil from erosion, increase the fertility of soils and its profitability, in a sustainable way contributing to protect the environemnt. This research examined...

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