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  1. The Global Development Research Center is an independent nonprofit think tank that carries out initiatives in education, research and practice, in the spheres of environment, urban, community and information, and at scales that are effective.
  2. KIT

    KITaims to improve health and ensure equitable social-economic development and promote intercultural cooperation with our partners worldwide. As we focus on results and empowering people our research, advice, training and education are creative, context specific and evidence-based. We are an...
  3. CDC laboratories routinely work with some of the most deadly germs in the world – identifying health threats and conducting vital public health research. CDC constantly develops and reviews extensive laboratory guidelines and procedures to protect both the public and laboratory workers. However,...
  4. Goofballs that are nuts about permaculture! Hot dog! is now the largest permaculture site on the internet! Most folks are looking for the full collection of permaculture forums.
  5. Discussing permaculture around the world.
  6. This site has been running continuously since 1994 with its hundreds of pages of urban agriculture information.
  7. This website is a collection of stories about our work at City Farmer here in Vancouver, Canada, and about urban farmers from around the world. The site is maintained by City Farmer executive director,Michael Levenston.
  8. SOME CRITERIA FOR ABOVE-GROUND GARDENS. (1) They must be made from local materials, not from something imported into the country. (2) They must be inexpensive to construct, preferably using recycled materials approaching no cost at all. (3) They must have a very low weight per area of growing...
  9. The World Vegetable Center, an international nonprofit research and development institute, is committed to alleviating poverty and malnutrition in the developing world through the increased production and consumption of nutritious and health-promoting vegetables. They actively build networks and...
  10. With the right knowledge and skills anyone, anywhere can take ownership of their own water, sanitation and hygiene. CAWST empowers people to take action in their homes and neighbourhoods, builds resiliency, and ensures appropriate solutions for the local water context.